2022 Autumn Meeting Results — London Scottish Golf Club

2022 Autumn Meeting Results

Our Autumn Meeting consists of two back-to-back major competitions: the Mackenzie Challenge Cup and the Bathgate Challenge Cup.

Bathgate Results

The following weekend brought the Bathgate Challenge Cup and this competition was flooded with fantastic scores throughout the field. Very well done to Tommy Tighe for coming out on top with a score of 79 - 16 = 62, beating Charlie Simmonds, Jack MacKinnon and Calum Bavin, each with a nett 65.

Mackenzie Results

This year the Mackenzie Challenge Cup, first played for in 1882, was held on the weekend of 17th/18th September. Congratulations to Luke Potter for beating John Prigg by one shot and winning the goblet trophy with a great score of 80 - 18 = 62. Going into the second weekend of the Autumn Meeting, the Autumn Scratch Medal was closely fought, with five golfers with a gross score between 74 and 78.

Autumn Meeting Results

15 players completed both competitions so were eligible to win the Autumn Scratch Medal and its nett counterpart.

Autumn Nett Prize

  1. Luke Potter (62 + 68 = 130)

  2. John Newton (68 + 66 = 134)

Autumn Scratch Medal

  1. Dave Paul (75 + 77 = 152)

  2. John Newton (78 + 76 = 154)
