London Scottish on YouTube

Earlier this year we hosted Erik Anders Lang and his Adventures in Golf crew as they visited our historic club on Wimbledon Common. We are extremely proud of this video, especially the condition of the course and the members who took part, helping to promote the friendly, welcoming nature of the golf club.

The video is now available on Skratch's YouTube channel via the link below so take a peek:

2021 Captain's Day - Royal Wimbledon Golf Club

Thank you to everyone who supported Les Hodges’ Captain’s Day at Royal Wimbledon yesterday. A great day was had by all with the course in remarkable condition considering the relentless rain overnight. The competitors headed back to LSGC for a stunning meal put on by Adam and his catering team followed by a few drinks and the 2021 Captain’s Drive-In.


Captain’s Cup - best nett score:

1st - Jim Boyes

2nd - Jason Costain

3rd - Charlie Matthews

Honorary Captain’s Cup - best gross score:

1st - Jim Boyes

2nd - Calum Bavin

Longest Drive and Nearest the Pin:

5th hole - Jason Costain

7th hole - John Newton (LD)

13th hole - Paul Simmonds

17th hole - Jim Boyes